


I went to Germany one year to visit my sister. I remember visiting all of the little towns and walking past their local shops whose window displays were colorfully-decorated with gnomes of all shapes and sizes. Once I got back home, I started to miss seeing all of the gnomes around and decided to create one of my own. After several attempts of trying to perfect my gnome, I finally made my official coffee girl gnome inspired by my sister who happens to love Starbucks coffee. I soon realized that gnome-making was a passion of mine and that I was now a part of the gnome-making community. Many people are obsessed with gnomes and create them all the time. I am now one of these people and I want to share my gift with the world and make things that bring people joy one gnome at a time!

Gnomes For A Cause

Supplies to fill backpack for homeless
Food, hygiene and basic necessities

Backpacks for the homeless
Backpacks for the homeless

In December 2020, I had an online fundraiser to help raise funds for winter supplies for the homeless. It was for Backpacks for the Homeless, a ministry the Lord put on my heart during the time my husband was going through cancer. We would drive down the same route 5x’s a week for his treatment and would always pass by the homeless all the time; it broke my heart that I couldn’t give more than I could. So that Christmas, I needed help to buy supplies and decided to do this fundraiser. Many friends reached out to help and God provided me with enough funds to help meet my goal of 30 fully-packed backpacks. He also blessed me with even more funds and I was able to give out even more backpacks! I feel so blessed that my family and I were able to reach out to the homeless that year and my hope is to continue with that mission by giving back 15% of all purchases to help support Backpacks for the Homeless.